Building Structural Drying and Carpet Drying

Floor water damage restorationWater is elusive nature in a liquid form and water is invisible ability to saturate the air in a gas form makes flood recovery very complicated. This article gives an overview of the flood carpet drying restoration process with a breakdown between the two types of water damage: primary and secondary damage. Professional Drying The primary flood damage is the obvious part that creates the initial alarm. The pipe breaks. Water runs from the kitchen to the dining room, etc. In the process, items under the sink get soaked. The wood in the kitchen is submerged, and the carpet in the dining room may be floating three inches off the slab. The items and surfaces that get wet with the initial flooding is the primary flood damage. The early moments after the flood are some of the most critical. Safety: You may need to turn off the power at the electrical panel and operate off of flashlights until electrical shock from wet wire is not a risk. Electrical equipment should be approached with extreme caution. If the flood water was contaminated, avoid direct contact by using rubber shoes, gloves, etc. Next, find the source of the leak, and shut it off. You may need to shut off the water at the main exterior valve. Then, call your local flood dry carpet service provider or an insurance agent to get an adjuster out immediately if possible. Likewise, call a water damage company like in Kissimmee who use powerful truck mounts or another qualified restoration company to first extract the water asap. They can pull the carpet back if necessary or use a method of surface drying and extracting the carpet’s surface below the cushion. If a camera is handy, you should take lots of pictures of the water damage before beginning the flood restoration process. Taking pictures is needed for your insurance claim later on. All furniture and colored rugs should be immediately removed from the flooded areas. Many types of wood and metal furniture pieces may not only suffer water damage, but can also create permanent stains in the carpet surfaces. Remove all smaller items affected. Flooded Secondary Damage The secondary damage is the flood damage that occurs in the days and weeks to follow. After the emergency extraction is done, a large amount of moisture will likely still remain in the walls, floor surfaces, and other items. I strongly recommend that you remove furniture from the affected areas or, possibly out of the house if the water damage is severe. Paintings, pictures, posters, books, etc. will began to absorb the moisture in the air which can cause irreparable damage. The moisture will slowly begin to travel up the walls. Moisture can travel a few inches high or several feet high. Flood technicians will perforate your walls and hardwood floors as necessary. The vent holes allow moisture to escape. The baseboards, wood floors, and other wood surfaces will also begin to absorb the water which will cause the wood to bend. Picture frames will split at the joints; baseboards and quarter-round molding will pull off away from the walls and, wood floors will begin to cup. Eventually, virtually all surfaces trapping moisture will grow mold and mildew if the temperature is warm enough and the moisture at threatening levels. Moisture residue will also create a souring smell throughout the room. The solution to these problems is ample drying equipment, a safe temperature, and chemicals. You’ll need air handlers to circulate the air. Dehumidifiers are designed to dry out the air. Set your temperature to about 25 degrees C. An application of mildew or an anti-microbial should be applied to prevent the growth of mould or mildew and the souring smell and to kill bacteria, germs, and viruses if the water was contaminated. A flood damage company can help you with this problem. They use various drying equipment and chemicals needed after the emergency extraction or an on-site inspection. The drying process should be faithfully monitored until the all surfaces and cavities are safe again. Moisture Dried Of course, water damage restoration company are completely capable of restoring you various flooring surfaces once the drying process is over. Damp basements need longer drying time. A good water damage company can also recommend contractors to assist with the plumbing problems and structural repairs if needed.

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